Beauty Transgression by Vera Volodina

I got this beautiful description from the Photographer and I need to share it in its full form.

Who/what do we call beautiful? How timeless are our beauty perceptions?

Where is the line between beautiful and non-beautiful? These are a few questions the project is about.

Some famous paintings and photographs were used as references for the shoot but it wasn’t the goal to make them recognizable in the series. The aim was to study the paintings and interpret the mood. Since many of them dated from the early XVII-XVIII centuries with its feminine male portraits, the team and I were playing around the subject of sexual identity and gender.

How masculine should be a men's beauty? Why does a man in pantaloons and heeled shoes from the XVIIth century and the one from nowadays cause a different reaction?

My teammates shared the backstage on social media and got some really negative comments just because a man wearing makeup and high heels doesn’t fit the conventional man’s image.

That’s why it was essentially important for us to stand up for an individual perception of beauty even if it goes against a common sense of it.

Photographer: Vera Volodina - Instagram: @feelinframe

Model: Tumanovskyi Arsenyi - Instagram: @dontfuckmybrains

Model: Nikonov Alexander - Instagram: @alexander_nikonov_

Makeup Artist: Ekaterina Slauta - Instagram: @kiticat_mua


editor-in-chief/creative queen

Luis Coppini by Karl Simone


Diliana Florentin - Magical Fashion Photography from Bulgaria