Louscious Feature - Interview with Photographer Stevan Reyes

With a big smile on my face as well, let me introduce you to

Miami based Fashion Photographer Stevan Reyes

Genre: Fashion & People Photography

Instagram: Photography: @sreyesphotos

Website: sreyesphotos.com

Introduce your self shortly. Where are you from?

Hi everyone, my name is Stevan Reyes and I'm a 29 year old photographer born and raised in Miami, FL with Trinidadian roots.

How long are you in the business?

I've been working as a photographer for about 10 years.

How did your career start?

Since I was a young kid, I was always drawn to capturing moments with friends and my family.
Whether it be snapping pictures with our film camera or recording on our video camera. As I grew older, my passion grew,
and finally, in high school, I bought my first camera. I spent my days shooting friends and then editing their photos
for their Myspace profile pics (yes, Myspace was the biggest thing back then). In college, I had a friend that worked
for an agency in Miami that introduced my work to their team. They were interested in working with me. That's how I got my foot in the door
working in the industry. Since then I've been freelancing working with numerous agencies and companies to expand my brand.

What inspires you?

Oh man, so many things inspire me! My family and friends, music, kind and hard-working people,
the ocean, other artists, the future, the past. Soo many things!

Whose work has influenced you the most?

There are a lot of artists that have inspired me to create a style of my own. That is recognizable.

Wong Sim, Leonardo Corredor, Evelyn Casuso, Helmut Newton, and Kenny Sweeney, are just a few, among many others.


What is the most challenging part of being a photographer?

Trying to reinvent your work while staying consistent.

What kind of gear do you use?

I'm a fan of Nikons and the sun.

What is your favorite lens, and why?

My 50mm is my go-to lens! It's what lets me get such sharpness in my photos.

What do you like most about being a photographer?

Being able to connect with other artists and create memorable images.

Pet Peeves:

Someone who's trying to hold a conversation with me during a movie, bad drivers, and double&triple texters.

What is a big dream for you - career-wise?

To shoot the cover for a major magazine such as GQ or Men's Health, publish my own coffee table books,
showcase my work in galleries across the globe, and above all, continue to inspire other artists to follow their passion.

3 People you're dying to work with:

Rihanna, Will Smith, and Chris Hemsworth.

What kind of music are you listening to while editing?

I'm usually listening to a live set from a music festival to keep me energized.

Did you ever think about quitting?

The thought crosses my mind every once in a while like most other artists, but momma ain't raise no quitter.

How important is social media for your business?

It's essential since that's how I'm able to showcase my portfolio and connect with clients.
It's especially helpful in allowing me to meet people; I usually would never get to meet in person just yet.


What is the one thing you wish you knew when you started working as a photographer?

Patience will take you veryyyy far.

How has photography influenced you as a person?

Being an artist can be very difficult. Dealing with criticism of your work. So photography has helped me become more confident
in my ideas and with expressing who I want to create with. It has also helped me appreciate the beauty in people,
and to also be a more patient person.

You accidentally ate some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What's it gonna be?

I'm definitely going with the ability to fly or teleport. I love traveling and having the ability to go anywhere I please would be wicked!
Either that or the ability to create more powers for me, but that's probably cheating, haha.

Name the top five things to take with you during a zombie outbreak.

For sure need a weapon (with unlimited ammo), Hermione's bag with an extension charm where I can stuff an endless supply of food and wine inside, 1 friend that can defend themselves and that can provide me with entertainment, so we don't go crazy, a satellite phone, and a submarine because we all know zombies can't swim :)


editor-in-chief/creative queen


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