Louscious Feature - Interview with Keith Archer - Photographer and Owner of Strobe Hair & Make-up Sydney

I´m very happy that the amazing

Sydney-based Hairstylist and Photographer

Keith Archer

said yes to our little Q&A, because he´s quite a private person, so this means a lot me.

Website: strobehairandmakeup.com.au

Instagram: Photography: @keith_archer_
Hairstyle & Makeup: @strobehairandmakeup

Tell me a bit about yourself. Where are you from?

Hello, I'm Keith Archer. Owner of Strobe Hair Salon and Photographer.
I'm originally from Manchester in the UK, but I live and work in and around Sydney (Australia)

How long are you in the business?

I started photography around 2014

How did your photography career start?

I run and operate Strobe Hair Salon and was doing ads for the salon asking friends to shoot them for me.
That's when I decided to do photography, I started doing my own shoots for the salon, and because I had a great relationship
with the bookers at IMG they started sending me girls to shoot.
A few years later, 2016 David from Kult Australia contacted me, and I started shooting boys around that time.
Styling boys was so much easier!! So I definitely find I'm shooting more boys than girls.


What inspires you?

I live out in the national park, so I'm probably most influenced by nature, the water, the trees.
There's a fantastic line from the silence of the Lambs: "We begin by coveting what we see every day."
It's where I'm most - at home.

Whose work has influenced you the most?

I'm probably most influenced by Peter Lindbergh and Paolo Roversi.
If I'm honest. I love all they do, the use of light, not always sharp images.

What is the most challenging part of being a photographer?

Time is probably the most challenging thing for me, running both business but still love it !!

What do you like most about being a photographer?

I love photography. I get to work with some amazing creatives. Some at the start of their career and some at the hight of their game,
it's always changing. I work with amazing bookers that always look after me, so I feel fortunate.
Amazing locations on my doorstep what's not to love.

Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves are probably negative people, Full Stop.

What is a big dream for you - career-wise?

My big dream, hmmm. I never really talk about it, but I'm still working on it.
Changes daily, but it's always there.

3 People you're dying to work with

Three people, I would love to work with Sean O'Pry, Sean O'Pry, Sean O'Pry hahahah.

What kind of music are you listening to while editing?

At the moment, I'm obsessed with Rosaîa. I have her playing as I'm retouching, in the car, and when I'm training.
But I also listen to David Sylvian - the track "Ride and Heartbeat" a lot hahahah , as well when retouching.

How important is social media for your business?

Social media plays some part in my work. As we all want our work to be seen by a wider audience.
But most of my work is based on my relationship with the agencies and the models I shoot.
Depending on who and what it's for? I slip in and out of focusing on that, but it´s never my main focus.


What is the one thing you wish you knew when you started working as a photographer?

Casting is one of the things I wish had worked out at the start.

How has photography influenced you as a person?

I wouldn't say it did, I've always been creative. Even as a teen, from the clothes I wore to the music I was listening.
I've always been the same, and I hope I still am.

You accidentally ate some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the Super-Power of your choice! What's it gonna be?

Superhero power most definitely would be time travel. It's a win-win.

Name the top five things to take with you during a Zombie Outbreak.

I only need three things in a Zombie outbreak, my partner, my dog, and a gun.


editor-in-chief/creative queen


Manfred Tapanes by Eduardo Rawdrigues


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